EN AC-Al Si12 is a eutectic alloy with excellent run-in or mold filling ability, high resistance to hot cracking and excellent casting properties with high chemical resistance. It has very good weldability and achieves medium strength properties, high elongation at break and good impact strength. This alloy is not hardenable by heat treatment.
EN AC-Al Si9Mg / EN AC-Al Si10Mg are one of the most common AlSi alloys that can be heat treated. These are sub-eutectic alloys with excellent casting properties, good resistance to hot cracking, good machinability and high chemical resistance. In addition, this material is characterized by high values of strength after heat treatment, as well as excellent weldability and good machinability.
EN AC-Al Si7Mg0.3 is also one of the important sub-eutectic AlSi alloys with poorer run-in compared to alloys containing 9-13% Si. The alloy is most often used for the production of structures with high strength, remarkable toughness and ductility. It has very good corrosion resistance and therefore high resistance to chemical influences. In addition, this alloy has good machinability and weldability.
EN AC-AlZn10Si8Mg is a self-curing casting alloy with very good run-in. Due to the high zinc content, the corrosion resistance is significantly reduced. Not suitable for cast parts with vibration or impact loads or for cast parts that must absorb bending or shear stresses. With this alloy, the possibility of brittle fractures cannot be ruled out. The strength is achieved by self-hardening of the alloy after 10 days of storage at room temperature. The main advantage of this alloy is that it saves the cost of heat treatment. It is also excellently machinable and weldable.
Examples of technical use of aluminum alloys:
• in the construction of machines, vehicles and engines
• in household appliances
• in defense technology
• in electrical engineering
• in railway technology
• in wind energy technology
• in environmental technology
• in electronic mobility
Mechanical properties of used Aluminum alloys (PDF)